Proverbs 3:6

Happy Tuesday! And happy August! (almost LOL)

I am so happy to finally be able to sit peacefully and blog again. I wanted to post this very short reflection I wrote for the ministry page I help. Every morning I am picking a bible verse, a different promise from the Bible, and writing a sentence or 2 about it. It wasn’t really my idea haha, it was my friend’s idea, but it’s really awesome. Anywho, here is one I did, which I loved because although I knew this verse already, I really felt like I understood it more and saw new meaning in it. I hope you like this reflection. I did add a little more for this post, because the ones for the other page are for facebook, and I make them shorter because they’re meant as a short AM reflection. 🙂 So I added but I hope you like it lol. I am also working on another post for later on this week. I am so happy to be writing again, and back to my routine!! It was a blessing to be with family, and now on to what the Lord has next, feeling excited! 🙂

Anyways here is the reflection!

In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths. — Proverbs 3:6 ESV

Acknowledge =
• Accept, show gratitude, distinguish, recognize the fact or importance or quality of, admit as legitimate or authentic …

These are the definitions of the word recognize! In ALL our ways (all areas of our life), acknowledge Him (recognize, honor Him), and He will straighten your paths.❤❤❤ Are you acknowledging God today? In what ways? You can do so by giving your plans, projects, family, work, everything, to God! 😃❤ And in each area, acknowledge Him. Show Him gratitude, distinguish Him, recognize Him, lift Him up, & He will straighten your ways. It is a promise from the Lord.

To me this verse has taken on new meaning because in the past, I did not really live for the Lord. I did not desire to do so. But now that God has touched my heart and I’ve opened myself up to Him, I do feel that desire to let God put things “in order” in my life, and He has! It’s been amazing, and I know He still has so much work to do in me, but I’m just amazed at seeing His work. I’m not perfect by any means, but I’m just not the same person I was a year ago and that is just incredible! So when we acknowledge Him, He will do in our lives what only He can do. You could try to straighten your ways on your own strength, but it will never be enough. We need God. We have to acknowledge our need of Him, that without Him, we can do nothing.

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. — John 15:4-5 ESV

I hope you’re having a wonderful week! God bless Xoxo

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