My “Minimalist” Lifestyle


One of my goals for 2018 is to save more money and be more financially smart. I don’t know if you guys have heard of the “minimalist” lifestyle, but I’ve sort of adopted it in a sense for the past year, year and a half. Now I know there are extreme minimalists, and that is not me lol. But, I do like it because A. it helps you save a ton of money, and B. it shifts your focus off things and more on people and experiences. So it really gets you in the habit of thinking, “do I really need this?” before buying things, which is something I’ve always struggled with (buying stuff I don’t need lol).

So I just wanted to share some tips about my so- called minimalist lifestyle, which tbh I think it’s just a normal life. I am a normal person who basically is doing things that she finds practical and that are going to save her some money. Personally, I absolutely hate clutter, so this whole minimalism concept really struck a chord with me. I continually clean out and get rid of stuff I don’t use. And I also buy quality. I buy things that I love and will last me a long time, and that I know I will get a good use out of them. Having said this, I also refuse to overpay for things lol. But quality> quantity, always! 🙂 Also, I have to say that I kind of was already doing a lot of these things already, then I found out it was a minimalism trend lol. ☺

Here are some things I’ve done in the past year to cut costs and live a more “simple” life:

  1. Pack my lunch everyday (this is for money but for health reasons too)
  2. Make my own coffee (bye Starbucks, au revoir)
  3. Downgrade my cell phone plan (there is no need to have an expensive plan)
  4. Buy bulk (it saves a ton!)
  5. Coupons, special offers, weekly deals, & grocery store apps- They work!!
  6. Stop buying excessive amounts of expensive makeup (I still buy basics like foundation, powder every other month).
  7. Cut my own hair (YES, only do this if you know how. I learned on you tube!)
  8. Blow dry my own hair (I’ve actually always done this, I learned from beauty magazines, tv, etc.)
  9. Do my own nails (It’s not hard! Also learned from beauty magazines)
  10. Do not buy vending machine drinks or snacks at work.
  11. Stopped buying bottled water. Use Brita pitcher and reusable water containers.
  12. Stop buying expensive & sugary coffee creamers. (for money & health reasons)
  13. Stop taking trips to the crafts store to buy stuff I never make! lol
  14. Stop buying books. I have an Amazon Kindle membership which I love, many books are free, & you download to the online library! No physical clutter! 💯🆒
  15. Cutting down on cleaning products. I used to buy a ton of different cleaning products for every surface & room in the house! You don’t have to do that. An antibacterial such as lysol, clorox wipes, & plain paper towels & water do the trick. Not much else is needed. (I discovered windows can be cleaned with water & a paper towel! Goodbye smelly Windex lol✌) ️

So these are all the tips I can think of. Are you guys minimalists? Have you also been living “minimalist lifestyle” without even realizing it? If you have any tips you’d like to share, please let me know! 🙂

Have a blessed Thursday!! 😊💖 Xoxo

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