My Missions Trip to Guatemala!!


The month of August has been filled with blessings beyond measure, as I was able to go on a much- awaited missions trip to Guatemala. I honestly knew this trip would impact my heart in a big way, I just didn’t know it would be in such an IMMENSE way, for so many reasons!

First of all, the organization we went with was simply amazing. It was a Christian non profit whose aim is to help those in need in Guatemala, and not physical needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care; But also spiritual needs. Spreading the gospel is an integral part of their program. All with the mission of transforming Guatemala’s impoverished rural communities.


The day we arrived, I actually almost did not arrive. I was put on standby, and was only able to board the flight to Guatemala because a very kind, angel stranger gave up their seat for me! (Because this airline was such a mess, they did not even think to ask the general public to see if anyone would give up their seats… Literally a random person came up to the desk, heard my story, & gave up their seat for me!) And this was only the beginning of the miracles. Throughout the trip, I just consistently almost literally saw God’s hand on everything I did. I say almost literally because it was so obvious that it was God’s intervention that was keeping me safe.

And that being said, it was a wonderful trip! Being able to go to this wonderful place, to meet these amazing people, and experience the beautiful culture, was just such a great feeling. Seeing the smiles on the kids’ faces, the generosity and gratefulness of the families, who would so generously share with us of what they had! Many parts were of course heartbreaking, but it was a dream come true for me on so many levels. To be able to help in whatever they assigned us to, really was an honor. I have been desiring to do a missions trip for quite some time now, but for some reason it never actually worked out. But this was definitely the moment the Lord had planned for me to go. I was also able to go and serve with my boyfriend. I cannot even describe the blessing it was for us to be able to serve the Lord together. It is a dream come true, and one we definitely want to continue for the rest of our lives.


But the mission is not over! I really already knew there are people in need everywhere, and have felt that sense of urgency within me. But I think the trip made me realize that I can give up a little bit more. That if I just push myself a little bit more outside of my comfort zone, the rewards for the Kingdom are BIG. Our God is a God of the seemingly impossible. He is a miracle- maker! When we serve Him and seek His will in our lives, He can use us as the living sacrifice we ought to be. 💖💖💖

Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Matthew 25:40
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

2 thoughts on “My Missions Trip to Guatemala!!

  1. Indeed God makes all things beautiful. For some reason I’ve been having a desire to go on a mission trip for the longest time. Praying that one of these days God will lead me. Keep on with your journey.

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